Python is Better Than Batch

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Disclaimer: Some of the content is opinion. Not fact.


I used to think Batch was a great coding language, and it is, but you're limited in what you can do, and it is also meant for Windows. Not everybody has windows. Here is what you can do with Batch:

  • Automate repetitive tasks

  • Run programs and commands

  • Create and manage files and folders

  • Process data

  • Network Administration

  • Automation and Task Scheduling

  • Text-based RPG

That wasn't the full list of stuff, there are only 100 things you can do with Batch
There are over 200 things you can do with Python, and that is barely even scratching the surface. I have seen some people do some incredible things with Batch, like make browsers, and a CMDChat
Which, yes, they do have their issues, but it is still cool
But, you can do the same thing with Python. I have a Python chat, a browser, and also a backrooms level library, which will eventually be open-sourced.


I don't mean A.I. when I say learning, I mean 'How easy is it to learn the code?' well, Batch is easier. It is simpler, and most of the syntax is English, so I guess it also depends on if you speak English or not.
Python is more complex, but it also follows the same structure throughout the code, making it simple at the same time.
In Batch, the most common syntax you will ever use are echo and @ECHO OFF You will never use any other syntax than those.
And, for Python, it is probably import, which allows for anything special to happen in Python. Randomness? import random, However, for some things, you do need to install them, which can be a negative.


Yes, I know, I didn't say much good stuff about python or batch, but it is so that way I am not entirely biased. When writing something, you should NEVER come up with a question first. This causes bias.